Does your business run NHVAS OR WAHVA Accreditation?

If you have an accreditation, are you finding it time consuming to comply with the requirements?

Do you spend too much time checking drivers log sheets, or check them at all?

Do you conduct quarterly reviews?

All roads are either gazetted, require permits or are inaccessible for different configurations, do you find all this confusing to comply with?

Do you all carry the required permits and up to date gazettes in one easy place?

Do you find the NHVR Portal difficult to navigate?

When you engage a worker do you have any induction or training document to show the regulator and your insurer in case of an accident?

Any of the above and more can be quickly and simply solved in person, over the phone, by email, the NHVR portal or using a drop box.

If you need advice or assistance call;